Here at Worthington UMC, we have a jam-packed Summer planned for you! We have a little something for everyone – so check it out and see where you might want to STEP IN or LEAP OUT!
June Events
Worship and Music
Blessing of the Animals: Saturday, June 1, 11 am, church lawn
Summer Sunday Worship Schedule: Join us for the Summer Chapel Service at 8:30 am, Worship Service at 9:30 and Emerge service at 11:15, beginning Sunday, June 2.
John Ma’s Ordination: June 5, 4:30 pm, Hoover Auditorium Lakeside
Emerge Outside Worship: Sunday, June 9 & 16 (weather permitting)
Taizé Service: Restore your soul on Wednesday, June 12, 7:30 pm, in Potter Chapel.
Pride Worship Service: Friday, June 14, 7 pm at Maple Grove UMC
Sharing by Vacation Bible School Participants: Sunday, June 23
Summer Concert on the Lawn: Sunday, June 23, 6 pm
Blended Service at 10 am: Sunday, June 30
Fun and Fellowship
Sara Abou Rashed’s A Map of Myself: June 7, 7 pm, the MAC (777 Evening St.). RSVP to 614-885-5365 or [email protected].
End of Ramadan Picnic: Saturday, June 8, 3 pm, Sharon Woods Metro Park. For more info, contact John Ma.
Dinner at Café Istanbul: Monday, June 10, 6 pm (6125 Riverside Dr, Dublin)
Breakfast & Conversation: Friday, June 14, 7:30 am at La Chatelaine
WUMC Singles Pizza & Cards Event: Friday, June 28, 6:30 pm
All-Church Picnic: Sunday, June 30. Stay after the 10 am blended service to join us for an all-church picnic!
Classes and Christian Education
No Sunday School classes for children and youth. Childcare is still provided during both worship services.
Becoming Well-Versed Class: Study the scripture passage used in the day’s worship.
Book Study and Conversation on Sunday mornings: see trifold for more information
VBS (Vacation Bible School): Monday-Friday, June 17-21, 5:30-8:30 pm! Cost is $30 per child and includes dinner for the whole family! VBS is for kids who are in preschool up to 3rd grade. Click here for more information!
Service and Mission
Bags of Blessings: Pick up your bag any time during the month, and return it on Sunday, June 30 with your donations for NNEMAP. Thank you!
NNEMAP, volunteer in the food pantry: Mon, Wed, Fri, 9 am–noon
UMCOR Flood Bucket collection: See trifold for more information.
Riverside Sewing Guild: Wed., June 5, 9:30 am-1:30 pm, offsite (Riverside Hospital).
Columbus Pride Parade: Saturday, June 15, 10:30 am, downtown Columbus
Family ESL and Recreational Program: Tuesdays, June 18 – July 30 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm, at 6000 Cooper Rd, Westerville. Program volunteers will need to attend one of two training sessions held on Tues, June 4 or Tues, June 11. This program is seeking family friendly volunteers, with no age minimum requirement. For more information, please contact Rev. John Ma ([email protected]).
Mat Ministry “Plarn” Party: Wednesday, June 19, 1:00-4:00 pm, Dixon Lounge.
Friendship Dinner Community Meal: Thursday, June 20, 6:30-7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall.
Gates-Fourth UMC: Help serve breakfast on Saturdays, June 22 & 29. Meet at WUMC at 8 am to carpool to Gates-Fourth.
Youth Work Camp: Sunday, June 23-Friday, June 28, to North Carolina. To sign up, contact Ashley Gerard, at 614-885-5365, or [email protected].
July Events
Worship and Music
Summer Sunday Worship Schedule: Join us for the Summer Chapel Service at 8:30 am, Worship Service at 9:30 (sanctuary) and Emerge service at 11:15 (Potter Chapel).
Emerge Outside Worship: Sundays, July 7 & 21 (weather permitting)
Taizé Service: Restore your soul on Wednesday, July 10, 7:30 pm, in Potter Chapel.
Y’All Come Choir: rehearsal on Thurs. July 11, 7 pm; sing at 9:30 service on Sunday, July 14. Contact Jarod if interested, [email protected]
Summer Concert on the Lawn: Sunday, July 21, 6 pm with Columbus Rings
Youth Sharing: Sunday, July 28
Fun and Fellowship
“Explorations” is our summer program for 4th, 5th & 6th graders, July 29-August 1. Contact Ashley Gerard at 614-885-5365 or [email protected] for more information. Breakfast & Conversation: Friday, July 12, 7:30 am at La Chatelaine
Reach Out Church Camp: For 7th-12th graders, July 14-20, at Lakeside, Ohio. Contact Ashley Gerard, at 614-885-5365, or [email protected]
WUMC Softball Game Viewing Event: Sunday, July 7, 2 pm
Classes and Christian Education
No Sunday School classes for children and youth. Childcare is still provided during both worship services.
Service and Mission
Bags of Blessings: Pick up your bag any time during the month, and return it on July 28 with your donations for UMCH Family Services.
UMCOR Flood Bucket collection: See trifold for more information.
NNEMAP, volunteer in the food pantry: Mon, Wed, Fri, 9 am–noon
Operation Sandwich: Bring simple, individually-wrapped sandwiches for the homeless to the refrigerator downstairs on any Sunday or before 10 am any Monday morning.
Riverside Sewing Guild: Wed., July 3, 9:30 am-1:30 pm, offsite (Riverside Methodist Hospital).
Mat Ministry for the Homeless: Join our “Plarn Party” on Wednesday, July 17, 1-4 pm, in Dixon Lounge. All ages are welcome to join us in this important ministry!
Friendship Dinner Community Meal: Thurs., July 18, 6:30-7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall.
Red Cross Blood Drive: Help save lives by donating blood on Thursday, July 26, 1-6 pm. Contact Dana Hehmeyer, at 614-889-7996 or [email protected].
Gates-Fourth UMC: Help serve breakfast on Saturday, July 27. Meet at WUMC at 8 am to carpool to Gates-Fourth.
Family ESL and Recreational Program: Tuesdays, June 18 – July 30 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm, at 6000 Cooper Rd, Westerville. Program volunteers will need to attend one of two training sessions held on Tues, June 4 or Tues, June 11. This program is seeking family friendly volunteers, with no age minimum requirement. For more information, please contact Rev. John Ma at [email protected].
Weekly ESL Program: Available to assist in teaching English for either Monday, Wednesday or Friday during the summer from 10 am—11:30 am, beginning mid-June. Various roles available meeting at 6000 Cooper Rd, Westerville. For more information, please contact Rev. John Ma ([email protected]).
August Events
Worship and Music
Summer Sunday Worship Schedule: Join us for the Summer Chapel Service at 8:30 am, Worship Service at 9:30 (sanctuary) and Emerge service at 11:15 (Potter Chapel).
Emerge Outside Worship: Sunday, August 4 and 18 (weather permitting)
Explorations Sharing: August 11
Blessing of the School Year: Sunday, August 11
Taizé Service: Restore your soul among the candles and soothing music on Wednesday, August 14, 7:30 pm, in Potter Chapel.
Fun and Fellowship
Breakfast & Conversation: Friday, August 9, 7:30 am at La Chatelaine
Impact Kick-Off: August 25
Classes and Christian Education
No Sunday School classes for children and youth. Childcare is still provided during both worship services.
Summer New Member Class: August 18, 10 am-1 pm. Join us for a one-day membership class and begin to call Worthington UMC “home”. Contact the church office or Rev. John Girard, [email protected], to sign up or for more information.
Service and Mission
Bags of Blessings: Pick up your bag any time during the month, and return it on Sunday, August 25 with your donations for Family Mentor Foundation.
NNEMAP, volunteer in the food pantry: Mon, Wed, Fri, 9 am–noon
Operation Sandwich: Bring simple, individually-wrapped sandwiches for the homeless to the refrigerator downstairs on any Sunday or before 10 am any Monday morning.
UMCOR Flood Bucket collection: See trifold for more information.
Riverside Sewing Guild: Wed., August 7, 9:30 am-1:30 pm, offsite (Riverside Methodist Hospital).
Mat Ministry for the Homeless: Help us crochet or knit waterproof sleeping mats for the homeless! Join our “Plarn Party” on Wednesday, August 21, 1-4 pm, in Dixon Lounge! Bring your lunch and stay as long as you like!
Friendship Dinner Community Meal: Thursday, August 22, 6:30-7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall. Invite someone you know who could use a good, home-cooked, free meal.
Gates-Fourth UMC: Help serve breakfast on Saturdays, August 24 & 31. Meet at WUMC at 8 am to carpool to Gates-Fourth.
Adult Mission Trip to The Nehemiah Mission of Cleveland: August 25-30. Last date to sign up is August 11. Please contact Russ Line.
Fall Events — Mark your calendars now!
- 2019 Photo Directory time! Watch for more details to come!
- Rally Day — Kicking off our Fall Programming: Sunday, September 8 (Blended Service at 10 am). Join us for flood bucket assembly and a church-wide picnic!
- JAM Kick-Off: September 15
- Trifles & Treasures Sale: Saturday, October 12