Sunday Serve
Join us as we kick-off a season of community service as a congregation on Rally Day—September 15! There will be a service project right after service for our entire congregation.
Sunday Serve will offer an outreach opportunity once a month for us to work together to serve our community. Join us on October 13, November 17, and December 15. We will meet 11:15am-1pm after worship for lunch and service projects. This will include projects like “plarning” for the Mat Ministry, packing food donations/hygiene kits, and even traveling offsite to resource pantries and local farms.
This opportunity is for 6th graders and older. If you are looking for volunteer hours for school or a chance to give back to our community, please join us! Details of what each month’s projects are will be sent out as we get close to each date.
For more information and to join the email list, contact Ashley Gerard at [email protected]
IMPACT meets each Sunday night during the school year (mid-August thru mid-May) in the Potter Chapel. A typical evening might include an informal small group discussion on the Scripture reading for the week and how it relates to our everyday lives. Then we might play a fun game in a large group or help out with a variety of outreach opportunities that are an integral part of the church’s ministry. About once a month, the group will venture out for some sort of special event like laser tag, bowling, a corn maze trip, or church-wide events.
Sunday nights, 6pm-8pm, Grades 7-12.