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“Let All Creation Dance” by Lisle Gwynn GarrityInspired by Luke 2:10, Matthew 2:10, Isaiah 9:2-3, Psalm 148, Isaiah 55:12-13Words from the Beginning: Don’t Forget to Laugh by © A Sanctified Art,“In this image, I wanted the landscape to feel refracted, perhaps like a prism, or even a broken mirror. The land rejoices despite forces that try to break it. The horizon expands into all directions. There is no east or west, north or south—the arms of creation reach into the cosmos. In between stars and moons, fruit trees bear their harvest and clap their hands. In many ways, this piece is a song of praise as well as a song of resistance. Creation cannot be quieted. If praise is not on your lips this day, do not fear, for we can trust that all of creation is dancing on our behalf.”For the full artist statement, see learn more about the artist and the other artists from this series, see:
We will have one worship service at 10am in the Sanctuary on December 29. There will not be Children’s Church. Nursery will be provided on a first come basis. There will not be a livestream this Sunday.
We believe that on a night like this one, a baby was born and placed in a manger. We believe that baby was God’s love in the flesh, who grew up to love the outcast and change the world. We believe that Jesus’ love was so big and so personal that the world will never be the same. So despite the mystery of this holy night, we believe a star shone, that the shepherds ran, that the angels sang, and that love was born. We believe it when the prophets say that unto you, unto us, a savior is born. Glory to God in the highest heaven! We believe.
“Abolition Baby” by Nicolette PeñarandaInspired by Luke 2:1-20, Isaiah 9:6Words from the Beginning: Love Knows Your Name by © A Sanctified Art,“I will not declare Jesus an abolitionist, but I will note that Jesus would grow up to call out any society that created environments where people are forced to commit crimes or work in unprecedented fields in order to survive. Mary was excited to bring Jesus into the world because she believed in the promise of liberation for her people. Jesus’ birth was a symbol of hope for the future, for a freed people. Love knows his name. And it is freedom.”For the full artist statement, see learn more about the artist and the other artists from this series, see:
Home Worship for the Vigil of Easter – Saturday Evening
NewsWhile Easter is every Sunday, we have been looking at a trio of services journeying up to the full burst of Easter Celebration. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are like one great annual Sunday and thanks to Ministry Matters we are using these resources for Home Worship during the pandemic. While Easter is […]
Faith in the Midst of Covid-19: A Virtual Prayer Session
NewsWe hope you will join us for this informative and faith-filled session!
Good Friday Worship Resources for Home
NewsGood Friday is our next focus in the trio of services that burst into the resurrection celebration of Easter. This gathering of items to assist you in a family/home worship is an adaptation of materials from Ministry Matters. As you begin this service, place a cross – necklace, picture, drawing, whatever –where everyone can see […]
New Easter hymn written for coronavirus era
NewsPlease see this news from The United Methodist Church website: Just in time for Easter, popular hymn writer Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has written a new hymn specifically for a season in which the Church and its members are dealing with the coronavirus. “This new hymn,” Gillette writes, “is a prayer to be used in […]
Easter Scriptures and Activities
NewsWe missed having our community Easter Egg Hunt this year, but we want you to have fun with Easter Eggs while at home! Attached is a resource full of Holy Week bible stories that you can go through as a family or on your own. Each story has an image that you can draw on […]
Maundy Thursday Worship Resources
NewsHoly Thursday, or Maundy Thursday as we often call it is the beginning of the trio of services that burst into the resurrection celebration of Easter. This gathering of items to assist you in a family/home worship is an adaptation of materials from Ministry Matters. The Holy Communion liturgy online from Palm Sunday can be […]