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“Star of Bethlehem” by Hannah GarrityInspired by Matthew 2:1-12Words from the Beginning: The Road Isn’t Straight by © A Sanctified Art,“In our own lives and communities, each of us is vulnerable to political corruption. How are we responding? Whom do we follow as our guide? God calls the Magi home by another road, and their choice to heed the call opens space for Jesus’ ministry within the community, which will demonstrate the power of steadfast love. Shortly thereafter, God calls Mary and Joseph to journey to another land, to protect the Messiah until they are safe to return home. What parallels do we see in our own systems, and in our own lives?In this text, the Magi are dreaming my dreams. The imperial power threatens to kill the long-awaited Messiah. These kinds of threats exist in our own lives too. The Magi seek another way home. I dream of the winding road that is God’s call. The road isn’t straight. Can you see your next bend?”For the full artist statement, see learn more about the artist and the other artists from this series, see:
“Let All Creation Dance” by Lisle Gwynn GarrityInspired by Luke 2:10, Matthew 2:10, Isaiah 9:2-3, Psalm 148, Isaiah 55:12-13Words from the Beginning: Don’t Forget to Laugh by © A Sanctified Art,“In this image, I wanted the landscape to feel refracted, perhaps like a prism, or even a broken mirror. The land rejoices despite forces that try to break it. The horizon expands into all directions. There is no east or west, north or south—the arms of creation reach into the cosmos. In between stars and moons, fruit trees bear their harvest and clap their hands. In many ways, this piece is a song of praise as well as a song of resistance. Creation cannot be quieted. If praise is not on your lips this day, do not fear, for we can trust that all of creation is dancing on our behalf.”For the full artist statement, see learn more about the artist and the other artists from this series, see:
We will have one worship service at 10am in the Sanctuary on December 29. There will not be Children’s Church. Nursery will be provided on a first come basis. There will not be a livestream this Sunday.
We believe that on a night like this one, a baby was born and placed in a manger. We believe that baby was God’s love in the flesh, who grew up to love the outcast and change the world. We believe that Jesus’ love was so big and so personal that the world will never be the same. So despite the mystery of this holy night, we believe a star shone, that the shepherds ran, that the angels sang, and that love was born. We believe it when the prophets say that unto you, unto us, a savior is born. Glory to God in the highest heaven! We believe.
“Just Mercy” viewing and discussion
News“Just Mercy” tells the true story of lawyer Bryan Stevenson as he appeals the 1988 murder conviction of an innocent Black man, Walter McMillian. It is based on Stevenson’s book “Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption”. While this movie made it’s debut in 2019, it is seeing a revival of sorts as we […]
Join us for a VIRTUAL PRIDE
NewsAlthough the Columbus Pride celebration has been postponed due to COVID-19, we will gather together VIRTUALLY for our Pride Worship Service. Join the Reconciling Ministries Network Churches/Communities and its allies to celebrate God’s grace, love, and inclusion for ALL! Mark your calendars for Friday, June 19 at 7:00pm. Clergy and lay persons from Central Ohio […]
Bishop Ough’s statement on the death of George Floyd
NewsMay 27, 2020 Bishop Bruce R. Ough issued the following statement following the death of George Floyd. Floyd, a Black man, died May 25 in the custody of Minneapolis police after an officer was shown pinning him down while he struggled to breathe. There is more than one pandemic ravaging Minnesota and our country at […]
Message from Bishop Palmer on George Floyd, Racism, and the Church
NewsDear friends in Jesus Christ: What a season we have been through and what a week we are in. The angst and pain are palpable. I need you to know I share that pain and I see me in some way shape or form every time I see video clips from Minneapolis and around the […]
Weekly Update: May 26, 2020
NewsWeekly Update: May 18, 2020